Face It- You forget to wear and clean your retainer. We all do, sometimes. Here are some things to keep in mind to get the most out of wearing your retainer.

What's a Retainer?
It’s time to talk about the small plastic that a lot of people have to take out of their mouths before every meal and put in their mouths to sleep every night.
According to kidshealth.org, “A retainer is a piece of plastic and metal that is custom-made for each individual kid who needs one. It fits the top of the teeth and mouth. No two retainers are alike, even though many look similar.”

Retainers are really common and anyone can get braces, from kids to adults.
Why Do I Need to Wear a Retainer?
Kidhealth.org states that “the most common reason is to help your teeth stay set in their new positions after wearing braces.” This ensures that the teeth won’t be subject to shift over time.

4 Tips For Correct Removable Retainer Care:
Avoid exposing your retainer to hot temperatures so as to not melt the plastic. This includes dishwashers. It’s best to wash it in lukewarm water.
Make sure to clean your case.
Keep it in a safe place so that it isn’t thrown away easily or chewed by a pet.
Replace your retainer when you notice any wear and tear. For example, people who grind their teeth will replace their retainers more often than people who don’t.

Take Care of Your Appliances
Damaged appliances can increase the length of your treatment process, so be sure to take care of all your appliances. Your teeth and jaw can only move into their correct positions if you consistently wear the rubber bands, headgear, retainer, or other appliances prescribed by your doctor.
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