Preview Your New Smile With Invisalign® SmileView™

Invisalign smileview

Unhappy with your smile? You’re not alone! According to the American Association of Orthodontics, more than one third of Americans are dissatisfied with their smile. Many adults have thought about getting their teeth straightened but aren’t sure where to start. Uncertainty about the results can leave anyone hesitant – will it be worth the cost? […]

We Love Our Pets!

WE LOVE getting to know our patients! Each time you come into our office, we’re grateful for the opportunity we have to learn more about you and what makes you smile. This week, we want to help you get to know us a little bit better too by introducing you to something we love: our […]

We Love What We Do!

WE LOVE OUR PATIENTS! During each visit, we have the opportunity to not only treat your smile, but also to get to know you a little bit better. This month, we want to give you the same opportunity! We’d like to share with you why we love our job. Thank You For Lightening Up Each […]

Our Team Is Ready For Back-To-School Season…

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! School is starting back up. All of us are going through our back-to-school shopping lists and gearing up our kids for the upcoming school year. Our Team Shares Their Back-To-School Memories… In honor of the season, we asked our team to share some back-to-school memories with all of you. We asked […]

About Orthodontics Cherry Orthodontics, Dr. William Cherry DMD, Orthodontist in Bethlehem Pennsylvania, Orthodontist in Schnecksville Pennsylvania, orthodontic treatments, spark clear aligners, surgical orthodontics, tads, types of braces, virtual smile assessment, common orthodontic issues bethlehem & schnecksville, clear aligners, damon smile, orthodontics for Adults, orthodontics for teens, orthodontics for children, Invisalign, Itero Digital scans, dentofacial orthopedics, mouthguards, retainers, emergency orthodontic care, palatal expanders, two phase treatment, invisalign smileview, early orthodontic treatment, orthodontics in bethlehem,orthodontics in schnecksville, Dr. William Cherry, DMD Family orthodontist, BETHLEHEM OFFICE (484) 893-5000,SCHNECKSVILLE OFFICE (610) 769-5100,NEW PATIENTS (484) 897-6088

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